Friday, 11 July 2014

Innovative Marketing of Health Services for Public Facilities

There has been growing demand for healthcare services in the recent past, and this has contributed to a growth in investments in the health sector. Healthcare services are increasingly being commercialized than it was the case some time back, and therefore an element of competition is becoming a reality in the health sector, just like in the general corporate world. Therefore, every health institution is striving to stand out in the provision of its services in order to maintain and grow its market segments. Public health institutions in Kenya and most other countries lack incentive to market the various services they offer. This can be attributed to their nature of operation as not-for-profit, as influenced by government policies to ensure affordable healthcare to its citizens. The hospitals therefore in most cases have insufficient funds not only to sustain their services, but also to market their services to the level of their private peers. Although successful marketing in any sector comes with a high financial cost, the element of cost is not a hindrance especially in marketing of health services. Public health institutions can still go ahead and compete effectively in the health sector by employing the following strategies at minimal or no cost;

Quality care

This may be seen as an obvious strategy, but public health facilities need to make quality of care and satisfaction of their clients a number one priority since this is really what drives their clients away. Quality is the most valued attribute in the health sector, and therefore it’s an area that needs careful consideration. Quality issues range from the effectiveness of treatment provided (the patient’s role being constant), suitability of materials used, client waiting time, courtesy, adherence to SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) and the general ambiance of the institution. The institution can set up an active and functional committee to check on quality issues.

Point of convergence for corporate social responsibility

Public facilities play a crucial role in the lives of people in their respective catchment areas due to the high poverty levels especially in third world countries. Therefore, these facilities have a great influence on the local population. The facilities can take this as an advantage in reaching out to the population through other organizations and still gain an edge in marketing. The facilities can achieve this by seeking to carry out joint community health related projects with multinational companies (e.g. Coca-Cola) or other leading national companies. In most cases, the companies will be willing to provide all the resources for the outreach, while the hospital can provide expertise, site space and access to the population. As the company seeks to market its activities and products to the local population and beyond, the public hospital will also gain limelight as a contributor/partner to the success of the outreach. These outreaches may combine the efforts of several organizations, or they may be bilateral between the hospital and a company depending on the practicality, economic viability and willingness of the companies involved.

Specialization while ensuring diversification

Successful companies like Samsung, initially had specialized in making cell phones and was ranked lower than Nokia. On diversification to other household electronics (like televisions, refrigerators etc.), Samsung gained higher ranks than Nokia and became a market leader in 2012. There is need for health facilities in the public sector to identify their strengths in service delivery and put a keen focus on these in order to gain much authority in those categories, just the way Samsung focused initially on cellphones. On identification of this area of specialty (guided by feasibility of implementation and demand for the service), the hospital should also diversify its services to widen its market. For example, Mathari Level 5 Hospital has specialized in mental health which has made it gain popularity in Kenya and beyond, although it still offers other services like dental care and thus serving a wider market.

Collaborations with institutions of learning

Most hospitals miss out on the marketing opportunities that come along with collaborations with medical training schools. These collaborations are usually seen in an abstract manner without deeper insights on possible opportunities for marketing. Hospitals can gain a lot through joint researches with medical training institutions usually at no cost. In most cases, the hospitals usually provide access to the subjects but at the end of the day, the name of the hospital dominates the research work. Isn’t this marketing without a sweat that?


In the year 2012, Webuye Level 4 Hospital was awarded as the best maternity services provider among all the public health facilities in Kenya. Hospitals should strive to seek positive publicity in various ways, outstanding performance being one of them. Public hospitals can also take part in celebrations like the World AIDS Day and do these in unique ways that elicit media/public admiration and interest.

In conclusion:

It is now quite clear that public health institutions need to be at par with the reality of commercialization of healthcare, and thereby strive to stand out against competition that is increasing with time. This calls for innovative marketing strategies since these institutions are faced with financial constraints.

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